Members and Organisation Administrators have different access rights within JNCTN and therefore have different tabs and views.
What can Member's see?
Members of JNCTN have one screen called Account from which members can access everything from credential information to personal contact details.
From this screen, members can:
- view their credentials and the credential approval status (as highlighted by the colour indicator bar).
- add new credentials.
- update their contact information, including changing their organisation or their profile photo.
- view their virtual card.
- show/hide their expired credentials
What can Organisation Administrator's see?
Organisation Administrators have the same screen but have three additional tabs (or links) available in the side menu: Members, Credentials, Organisation and Location. They can also access their own details for the Account button at the top of the page.
Members - this screen automatically displays when you log into JNCTN. it contains two tables:
Member records - this displays a list of all organisation members. This table is used to approve new members.
Member credentials - this displays a list of your members’ credentials and their approval status. This table is used to approve any newly added credentials by your members’. These can be shown/hidden with the show credentials toggle
Credentials - this screen contains two tables:
Credential Catalogue - this displays a list of all the credentials owned by your organisation
Associated to... - this displays a list of any member (both your members and others) that have been assigned one of your credentials. Use this table to confirm whether these credentials have been accurately assigned. These can be shown/hidden with the show credentials toggle
Organisation- This page allows you to update your organisation's details
Location - This screens shows the check-in and checkout activity on a location, can only see the activity on locations that the organisation is associated with.