The virtual card will display on a mobile device when the QR code on your JNCTN card is scanned.
You can scan it from the JNCTN app, which can be found at . Also you can scan it with the camera on most phones or any QR code scanning app
Haven't seen your virtual card yet?
We've included some sample images below, but if you have your smart phone or tablet handy, why not scan your own card and have a look at your own virtual card?
The virtual card is a significant improvement over the physical card. it can display several layers of information that you can quickly and easily access. Use your finger to tap into the content and view all of the credentials held about you on JNCTN.
Initial Screen
The first screen is a digital version of your card and can be used to perform a 3-way verification of your identity (a card to face to virtual card check).
Information on the initial screen
1. Name: as entered in your profile
2. Organisation: the company you are assigned to in JNCTN
3. Expiry date: the date you will need to renew your subscription. (your organisation may do this for you)
Rear of card
To view your credentials, tap "View credentials".
You can filter further by either using the text filter or clicking on "All Credentials" and selecting a credential type